Cold Water Shock | Orca Swim School

Insider Tips

Now ordinarily I wouldn’t talk about open water swimming in December but even though it is cold outside we still love the water. Every year there is a Saturday afternoon in December when I’m in our pool teaching that suddenly there is very loud amplified singing. After 7 years of this, I finally know what it is and don’t look at my students in bewilderment.

It’s the Christmas boats cruising the lake. They stop at the beach and have an onboard choir amplified for park visitors. Some years there is a beautiful bonfire and the lights are all lit up. Very festive, joyous, and all crowded around the water’s edge.

When my kids were little we would go walk the docks and watch for Santa to come in on a similar boat parade. The dock filled with wiggly excited children with families bumping and jostling along. This is why talking about open water in the winter is important.

Even though now is the time to learn to swim, it’s not the time to learn in the lake! This is the time to know about the cold water.

Watch Below:

Jump-In Membership

If you’re like many adults, you’ve been frustrated or embarrassed that you weren’t free to swim “like everybody else.” Half of adults can’t swim, like you! We meet them all the time. They’ve tried every system, including the traditional programs, with no success.

Since 1999, we’ve helped hundreds of adults overcome their fear and discomfort in water with our proven system built on the Jump-In Membership. Our Jump-In program uses the nuts and bolts of mindfulness to address the root of the problem and will transform the way you feel and think about water for the rest of your life.

Founder, Life Coach, and Master Instructor | Orca Swim School