
Insider Tips

Have you ever wiggled into a pair of nylons or tight jeans?  It is not a feeling of grace and beauty but may be worthwhile for some other purpose.  

I am past the days of uncomfortable clothing.  As I embrace my natural hair color and find sexy from the inside more than in a pair of Jordache Jeans (do you know what that is??), this wiggle in and out of clothing is more of a memory than a daily reality.  

However, there is one article that I will still gratefully wiggle in and out of for it’s a warm tight fit.  A wetsuit.  

I don’t like being cold!!  If you have swum in my toasty pool you will know that.  In today’s video, I give you some tips on how to get in and out of one with relative ease.  There are a few does and don’ts.  Super helpful for winter swimming or outdoor swimming any season.  

Watch Below:

Jump-In Membership

If you’re like many adults, you’ve been frustrated or embarrassed that you weren’t free to swim “like everybody else.” Half of adults can’t swim, like you! We meet them all the time. They’ve tried every system, including the traditional programs, with no success.

Since 1999, we’ve helped hundreds of adults overcome their fear and discomfort in water with our proven system built on the Jump-In Membership. Our Jump-In program uses the nuts and bolts of mindfulness to address the root of the problem and will transform the way you feel and think about water for the rest of your life.

Founder, Life Coach, and Master Instructor | Orca Swim School