Episode 16: How to use a Snorkel? | Orca Swim School

Are you loving the cold rainy days… or not so much?

Do you scroll Pinterest so you can take a little mental vacation? This is the time of year you might feel a little envious when you see all those Facebook photos of skiing or tropical trips under sunny skies.

Your time is coming. You will get a chance. Will you be ready?

We want to make sure you are ready. When you have saved enough pennies and take off for your dream vacation, we want you to have FUN with no regrets.

This week’s episode is a sneak peek at the upcoming Snorkeling 101 Online Course. Learn how the snorkeling equipment works and more.

No one wants to go to the beach feeling unsure about the fish, waves, and equipment. Take a little pressure off to ensure you’ll head out with knowledge and confidence.

About half of our hands-on Foundation 1 students come to class having had a snorkeling experience. It might not have been much of an experience, but they learned there was more to it than they realized. And that they definitely wanted to snorkel again.

Sometimes students sit on the beach wishing they could join in on the fun. They might even feel shame. That is the last experience and feeling we want you to have.

Get a tiny bit of the information you need to be a confident participant. Before you start this new adventure, you can do the mental work to help you be ready.

Get a glimpse into a whole new world…while being able to breathe!

Watch Episode 16 Below: 

Healing Fear in Warm Water

If you’re like many adults, you’ve been frustrated or embarrassed that you weren’t free to swim “like everybody else.” Half of adults can’t swim, like you! We meet them all the time. They’ve tried every system, including the traditional programs, with no success.

Since 1999, we’ve helped hundreds of adults overcome their fear and discomfort in water with our proven system built on the 5 Circles Teaching Method. The Miracle Swimming system uses the nuts and bolts of mindfulness to address the root of the problem and will transform the way you feel and think about water for the rest of your life.

Cori Myka, Founder and Instructor | Orca Swim School