Episode 9: Never Give Up... Lessons from an 85-Year-Old Swim Student

Episode 9: Never Give Up… Lessons from an 85-Year-Old Swim Student

Interview with 85-year-old Charlotte Ruff | Orca Swim School Student

Have you ever thought… “Oh, I give up! I’ll never learn to swim.” Or “I’m no longer a kid. I can quit trying.”

Maybe you moved from a warm state (California) to a cloudy state (Washington) and thought it no longer necessary to get in a pool.

Well, eighty-six-year-old Charlotte Ruff had similar thoughts, but just recently completed her beginning series swim lessons and is ready for more. Please check out our interview with her about her swim journey and experience her contagious joy (video below.)

Taking Inspiration

When you are 86 years old what would you like to be doing?  If you want some inspiration come to check out today’s episode which features Charlotte who said I still want to achieve my life dream of how to swim.  

One of the questions we ask our students at the beginning of the course is what benefits do you get by being afraid or not knowing how to swim.  It can seem like an odd question because at first glance there seem to be no benefits. We just see what we have been missing.  

86-year-old Charlotte is a great inspiration to the benefit of not learning in the past because she has this amazing opportunity for growth.  To be able to fully live life no matter what.  

My greatest inspiration was my 102-year-old grandfather.  Not because he simply lived such a long life, but because each time I talked to him he had grown as a person.  He kept living life as his body continued to live.  

Now don’t get me wrong here I am not saying wait for 10, 20, 30 or 40 more years without being free in the water.  But look at how you want to live your life. Do you want to live in fear, missing out and regret or do you want to be an inspiration to yourself and others?  

Let Charlotte be your inspiration.  No matter what your story or circumstances it is only your thoughts that stop you.  

We are so grateful for the open hearts and minds of our beautiful swimmers.  It is our deepest privilege to work with each and every one.  

Thank you, Charlotte for sharing your joy with us. Congratulations on never giving up! 

Watch Episode 9 Below: 

Healing Fear in Warm Water

If you’re like many adults, you’ve been frustrated or embarrassed that you weren’t free to swim “like everybody else.” Half of adults can’t swim, like you! We meet them all the time. They’ve tried every system, including the traditional programs, with no success.

Since 1999, we’ve helped hundreds of adults overcome their fear and discomfort in water with our proven system built on the 5 Circles Teaching Method. The Miracle Swimming system uses the nuts and bolts of mindfulness to address the root of the problem and will transform the way you feel and think about water for the rest of your life.

Cori Myka, Founder and Instructor | Orca Swim School