

All changes start in the mind.  Get out of embarrassment and confusion and be in charge of your safety and learning.

Adult Swim lesson Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley | Orca Swim School

FREE Consultation

Introduce yourself to Orca Online without having to get wet (yet). Meet for a 20-minute Q&A with our team to learn more about our swim lessons in Portland.

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In-Person Lessons

Schedule your lesson with a certified instructor.*

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Jump-In Membership

With the Foundations of Change Jump-In Membership, you will begin the mental shift needed to get the most out of your in-person learning experience.

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Portland Swim Lessons

Start your in-person course now with a licensed Foundations of Change – Adult Learn to Swim instructor in Portland.  Students start with our exclusive Foundations of Change – Adult Learn to Swim course in 1:1 Private Lessons.  Private lessons are $150 for non-members and $115 for Jump-In Members.  Your instructor will walk you through each step with a focus on fun and your natural curiosity. No matter your swimming level, you’ll receive personalized instruction.

This course teaches you:

  • How your (perfect) body and the water work together
  • How your (sometimes anxious, nervous, or fearful) brain and the water work together

So you can:

  • Feel and be safe
  • Participate and have fun from beginning to mastery
  • Get your questions answered, both the ones you know to ask, and the ones you didn’t know to ask.
  • Live your wildest dreams right now.

Jump-In Membership

We will give you a full refund and PAY YOU 3 months of membership if you are not able to learn 3 new things about how your body and the water or your brain (mind) and the water work together after completing the Foundations of Learning to Swim 1A course.


You can cancel your membership at any time.  Here is a 2-minute video to show you how.

To receive your money back and 3 months’ payment, simply fill out this form and the guarantee will be issued within 2 business days.

Over $400 in Bonuses including:

  • Beginning swim gear*, Facebook group, and post-course unlimited email with Master instructor

*Certified instructors are licensed to teach Foundations of Change – Adult Learn to Swim but are not employees of Orca Swim School. The instructor and their independent company handle all payments, refunds, and scheduling.

What you'll learn with our online and in-pool lessons in Portland, OR.


View our Seattle reviews… Same amazing program, but with a longer history. Get an early start in Portland before this location sells out up to three months in advance like our other locations.


Not sure how to get started?   We can help.


    Read our helpful articles that focus on topics such as healing, mindfulness, and of course swimming!  Also, stay informed with information on our company and students in the news.

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    We're In the News

    *Prior to January 2020, our swim lessons were based on another swimming program. We have since transitioned to our own Foundations of Change program.