What is stopping you from saying, “Yes!”?
Once a story stopped you from doing something you didn’t know how to do yet. Mine was a story with the title Wants to Learn to Row.
What is your title and story?
It is this story that is stopping you. Not your skills or abilities. It is the story you tell yourself to feel safe. However, you know that feeling safe by staying away doesn’t mean you feel good.
Can you relate to this story about staying in a warm safe bed or getting up to do something hard?
When I stay in bed until it is too late to make it to rowing practice I feel good and terrible. When I get up out of my bed in the dark and cold at 5:11 am to get in the boat as a wobbly beginner I feel terrible and good.
No matter what choice I make there will be risks, experiencing negative and positive feelings and safety. One choice lets my future self down. One choice shrinks my world. One choice feeds my negative self-concept and one expands me into a new story I desire.
Do you know why we offer the opportunity to go on an amazing swim vacation together?
It is so you have an opportunity to be more than you thought was possible. To show yourself that you can live your dreams right now.
In the Foundation One class in Hawaii, all you need is a swimsuit and a curiosity to learn to swim.
In the Advanced class, all you need is to have completed a Foundation One class or the equivalent in Private Lessons, be able to stand up from your front and back float and have a curiosity to learn.
You are ready right now. Claiming your spot will take you out of hiding and wishing and into growing and expanding right now. The sooner you decide the more you will grow.
Do not miss out. There are only 3 spots in the Foundation One class left and 4 in the Advanced class.
Deposits must be made by Nov 5 to keep our resort block of rooms. Click here now to join us in exploring a whole new world.
This is a story you do not want to be on the sidelines for.
It is the most fun ever. I cannot wait to swim with you!