What story do you tell yourself about swimming?
It is the season of old stories as we gather (or not) with friends and family. Often these relationships are ones that have endured through time even if you didn’t meet often. We relate to these stories if we see the people in real-time or just in our own heads.
Stories are a type of relationship. They show how to relate to other people, things, or in our case, the water.
Just like you can get stuck telling the same story about your weird uncle, you can get stuck in your same story about the water. As humans, we like the comfort of repetition. It feels safely familiar even if the familiar is uncomfortable.
Have you ever been to a memorial and listened to other people’s stories? Only to find out they didn’t think the uncle was weird at all. Their story was very different from yours. You may now feel like you missed out.
It is not too late to create new stories about your relationship with the water. It is not too late to change your understanding of how the water works and how your perfect body and the water work together. What do you want your water story to be?
Check out these swimmers stories:
Jodi’s story Youtube
Marie story Youtube
Charlette to Youtube