
Foundations of Change

Fitness, vacation adventure, safety skill, being able to participate with family, because it can look so relaxing are all reasons you may want to learn to swim. Learning to swim can feel anything but relaxing for many people.

With the right steps, swimming can be as relaxing and easy as it looks. Today’s video is all about how to feel better because at the end of the day isn’t this what we all really want?

I want to learn to swim so:

  • I can use if for exercise and feel better about my body
  • I am not embarrassed or left out…feel better about myself
  • I can float off into a beautiful beach…to feel better about the stress in my work life

Here is the really good news you do not have to learn all the steps of swimming to start feeling better right now. The way we feel comes from our thinking. When you feel better then you can:

  • Move your body with ease
  • Participate with joy
  • Find relaxation

Could you stand to feel a little better right now? Check out today’s video or go directly to our new free course. Even if you have taken a swim course with us this new mini lookie gives you the power to feel better in your life right now.

Watch Below:

Foundations of Change

If you’re like many adults, you’ve been frustrated or embarrassed that you weren’t free to swim “like everybody else.” Half of adults can’t swim, like you! We meet them all the time. They’ve tried every system, including the traditional programs, with no success.

Since 1999, we’ve helped hundreds of adults overcome their fear and discomfort in water with our proven system built on the Foundations of Change. Our Foundations of Change program uses the nuts and bolts of mindfulness to address the root of the problem and will transform the way you feel and think about water for the rest of your life.

Founder, Life Coach, and Master Instructor | Orca Swim School